It doesn’t matter how much you prepare; sometimes unexpected life events could mean your carefully laid plans go awry. While you can’t know what’s around the corner, you can change how you respond to unpredictable events to help keep your financial plan on track. A...
In July, the markets were affected by general elections taking place in the UK and France, and the ongoing presidential campaign in the US. Read on to find out what else affected investment markets in July 2024. Uncertainty and numerous other factors may affect the...
Often dubbed “death tax” or “Britain’s most-hated tax” in the media, Inheritance Tax (IHT) may seem complex, and you might be unsure if it’s something you should consider as part of your estate plan. Over the next few months, you can read about the essentials you need...
Kind Wealth do not advise on the setting up of a Family Investment Company. Family Investment Companies would be set up by a third party and Quilter Financial Planning accept no responsibility for this. Kind Wealth are able to advise on the underlying investments held...
What is deemed to be Agricultural Property? You can pass on some agricultural property free of Inheritance Tax, either during your lifetime or as part of your will. Agricultural property that qualifies for Agricultural Relief is land or pasture that is used to grow...
Essentially, a pension is just a type of savings plan to help you save money for later in life, typically, your retirement. It also has favourable tax treatment compared to other forms of savings. There are different types of pensions available, depending on your...