If you get sick or injured and are unable to work, income protection pays you part of your monthly income. Income protection payouts are tax-free and help you to protect your finances whilst you recover. As the payouts are tax-free, they should cover most of your...
An emergency fund is very important as it is a pot of money to fall back on should you either find that your income reduces, such as losing your job, or if you have to pay for something unexpected, such as having to replace your boiler. A good rule of thumb for the...
Critical Illness Cover can help minimise the financial impact on you and your family if you were to become critically ill. It’s an option that can be added for an extra cost when you take out Life Cover, or can be taken out on its own. Critical Illness Cover can pay...
If you pass away, Family Income Benefit pays out a regular tax-free monthly income to your loved ones, to replace the loss of your income and help relieve the stresses to your family of paying the bills. Family Income Benefit cover works on a term basis. This means...
Inheritance Tax is a tax on the estate (the property, money and possessions) of someone who’s died. How much is Inheritance Tax? There is normally no tax to be paid if: $ The value of your estate is below the Nil-Rate Band of £325,000, or $ You leave everything above...
Business Property Relief was introduced by the government in 1976. Back then, its main aim was to ensure that after the death of the owner, a family business could survive, without having to be sold or broken up to pay an inheritance tax liability. Since then,...